AngularJS with ASP.Net MVC (Part 2)

A step by step tutorial on how to use AngularJS with ASP.Net MVC


I have started this as a multi-post tutorial, where in the previous part we have created a minimal project in Visual Studio 2015 using Web Applications Empty template with MVC folders and references. You can read that post here in case you have not gone through that already.

Making the First Impression

In the project till now we have a application which can build and run but there is no content to be shown to the user. If you run the application at this stage, you will end up seeing an error page. It is now time for us to make this application truly running and showing something.

Add a View and Controller

As a MVC application we should now add a View and Controller to the application as a Default Controller and View. To do that, right click on the controllers folder and select Add -> Controller …, where you will be presented with a window similar to one shown below in the image.


We are going to select MVC 5 Controller – Empty from the list and Click Add, which will ask us to name the controller class. I am going to name it HomeController.cs. Here is the default code from the the empty controller template. This file should be present in Controllers folder of the project.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace AngularJSwithMVC.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

Now right click on the only method named Index() and select Add View from the Options Menu. The window which opens on this action is similar to the one as show in the image below. Please select all the options as it is showing in the image and Click Add.


At this point a few new files and references are added to your project, you can see that in the image below (don’t worry we are going to remove many of them soon). The only important files for for us where we have to focus are Views -> Home -> Index.cshtml and Views -> Shared -> _Layout.cshtml


Say Hello to World …

You have to open the Index.cshtml and Enter any text you wish, for me, it’s the 2 worlds of love every programmer knows “Hello World!”. Once you are done you can hit your favorite function key (F5) to run the project and see the output. Yups … you have your first page displayed in the default browser (Sorry! Google Chrome) something like this and your message surrounded by the clutter of default template something like this.


Before you start thinking …

What the hack! … why all this efforts and it took 2 posts for you to reach to this point. Man! you might have selected a MVC template in place of Empty one to begin with, but wait, before you get that idea, answer the simple question … Where is the fun in that?

Another point here, as I have told you in my previous post, we want a minimal project and now I am telling you that we are going to even remove the files and references which are required but will be acquired differently. Be patient and follow the lead … In the upcoming posts you will almost acquire the taste of this.

I am not saying that its all good till here but, remember that, there is a comment box below here, where you can argue whatever your ideas are.

Your feedback is much appreciated and will try to correct and improvise as much as possible. I will post the links for the next post in this series here as soon as they become available.

Series Links

Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11

AngularJS with ASP.Net MVC (Part 1)

A step by step tutorial on how to use AngularJS with ASP.Net MVC


There are numerous articles and tutorials about this on the web and even on YouTube, none of them were complete and as satisfying as I wanted them to be. Using AngularJS with MVC is a well talked topic and I have drafted a series of posts which will show you how I have done it myself in many of the projects during my learning of Angular and implementing in the small to large scale web applications.

Getting Started

I am going to use Visual Studio 2015 with a few Extensions for this series. Here is the link for you to download these extensions:

  1. Web Essentials
  2. Productivity Power Tools

Along with that you will require to have node.js and bower package manager installed for getting the required JavaScript libraries. For the starting point here we are going to use a minimal project template, so that I can add the required libraries and components as and when required. This makes the learning easy and the project as lean as possible. The primary language for the project is going to be C#, but you can use VB.Net if you are comfortable with that. I assume that you have a prior knowledge of ASP.Net MVC and JavaScript and also aware of AngularJS in some extent, because I will not be touching all the concepts of these technologies here in this series. Once you have all the required components installed, you are ready to continue on this tutorial.

Continue reading AngularJS with ASP.Net MVC (Part 1)

How To: Setup PHP Development Environment in Ubuntu

Setup PHP Development Environment in Ubuntu

I have produced a video on how to Setup PHP Development Environment in Ubuntu Linux. It covers the below topics:

  1. Installation of Apache Web Server
  2. Installation of PHP
  3. Installation of MySQL Database Server
  4. Installation of Development Tools
    • MySQL Workbench
    • Komodo IDE

You can download the complete installation instructions here.

Please find the same video here:

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How To: Setup SharePoint 2010 Development Environment on Windows 7

SharePoint 2010 Development Environment

Setup SharePoint 2010 Development Environment on Windows 7

This video targets the SharePoint Development Environment Setup on a Windows 7 machine. It showcase primarily the way a Standalone instance of the SharePoint server can be installed to do development for the SharePoint Projects. This video covers following set of installations:

  1. SharePoint Server 2010
  2. SharePoint Designer 2010 64bit
  3. Visual Studio 2010
  4. SQL Management Studio 2010 Express

When we install the SharePoint server in the standalone mode the Express edition of the SQL Server will be installed automatically, so we need not to install the SQL Server separately. Only in case we need to access and manage the database directly we need to install the SQL Server Management Studio, otherwise you can skip the step all together.

Here is the document talking about the step by step details (also showcased in the video below)

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jQuery Plugin Development – Modal Dialog


jQuery Plugin Development – Modal Dialog

I have recently create new series of the videos on the jQuery Plugin Development for the jQuery Modal Dialog popup. In the first video below, it shown how to create the plugin in the beginning.