How To: Setup SharePoint 2010 Development Environment on Windows 7

SharePoint 2010 Development Environment

Setup SharePoint 2010 Development Environment on Windows 7

This video targets the SharePoint Development Environment Setup on a Windows 7 machine. It showcase primarily the way a Standalone instance of the SharePoint server can be installed to do development for the SharePoint Projects. This video covers following set of installations:

  1. SharePoint Server 2010
  2. SharePoint Designer 2010 64bit
  3. Visual Studio 2010
  4. SQL Management Studio 2010 Express

When we install the SharePoint server in the standalone mode the Express edition of the SQL Server will be installed automatically, so we need not to install the SQL Server separately. Only in case we need to access and manage the database directly we need to install the SQL Server Management Studio, otherwise you can skip the step all together.

Here is the document talking about the step by step details (also showcased in the video below)

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jQuery Plugin Development – Modal Dialog


jQuery Plugin Development – Modal Dialog

I have recently create new series of the videos on the jQuery Plugin Development for the jQuery Modal Dialog popup. In the first video below, it shown how to create the plugin in the beginning.

How To: Install PHP on IIS in Windows 8 Easily

install php on IIS

Install PHP on IIS in Windows 8

There are many people, who come to me asking, is there any simple way of installing PHP on my PC with Windows and IIS. The answer is, Yes.

Thanks to Microsoft for providing a great tool named Web Platform Installer. This tool is capable of setting up your machine for different tested and tried configuration. It can install many applications & packages. I always used this tool prepare the servers and development environment. However it has only one lack of feature, “Offline Installations”. I am still happy as most of the time when I am configuring the environments, the Internet is available and this tool can quickly download the latest one over the Internet. I have prepared a short video for the same.

How To: Create USB Installation Stick for Windows 7 64bit and 32bit

Create USB Installation Stick

Create USB Installation Stick for Windows 7 64bit and 32bit

There are chances that you are playing a role of IT engineer, who has to install many windows OS every day and you are tired of with the traditional way of installation the OS from DVD. Well in that case you can use a USB stick to install the OS from.

You just need an empty USB stick and the source iso image for the windows operating system. to create a USB installation stick you need to download windows usb / dvd download tool from Microsoft and follow the below guide.

How To: Dual Boot Windows 7 along with Windows 8 from VHD

dual boot Windows 7 and windows 8

Dual Boot Windows 7 along with Windows 8 from VHD

Sometime back when windows 8 was introduced and made available to public, I was at Windows 7 on my laptop and wanted eagerly to install the same. but unfortunately I was having a complete environment setup over there which was hard to wash and rebuild on that eager to see the new operating system on my machine. So, I decided to have my PC dual boot. But there is never the less hurdles in front of a doer. The other problem was to have a spare partition and make it available for installing the windows 8. Finally, the problem was solved by an angle named VHD (Virtual Hard Disk).

I assume there many people who still think that a VHD file requires a virtualization software on you machine to execute from, but no you can have that file hosted with your physical machine and make it act like a Hard Disk Drive encapsulating all of its data from the rest of the drive containing this file. Once you have a VHD file, you can use that as a volume to install the windows also and the same I did here. To help people understand and see visually i have prepared a video on the same.

I want this guide to be helpful to all of you so that in case you are also stuck up with the same kind of situation, can use the guide to seamlessly dual boot the OS without disturbing the existing environment and do your testing before moving ahead.